Get your chart decoded by the professionals

Quality descriptions will help you discover and realize your potential.

You will receive a personalized, structured document that decodes these themes:

Type. You will learn as much as possible about your type: its purpose, advantages and disadvantages, correct development, relationships, sleep, and other important areas.

Inner Authority. You will find out more about the source of wisdom within yourself and also learn how to use it to make the right decisions without regretting them.

Strategy of your type. This part tells you how to properly use the energy of your type and what it shouldn’t be used for. The information is provided with examples and practical recommendations.

False Self. You will learn about the destructive states that may appear when you ignore the strategy of your type. We will teach you how to deal with them.

Life signature. This part is dedicated to what rewards life brings when you implement your design correctly. You will learn the details of how to achieve this.

Profile. Patterns/roles of your behavior. You will discover the areas and conditions that will make it easier for you to express yourself in public.

Definition. Self-sufficiency. We will tell you about your dependence on other people and how it is expressed. You will receive recommendations on how to use it to your advantage.

Centers defined. These are the areas of life in which you influence other people, becoming some kind of mentors for them.

Centers undefined. This includes your instability/changeability and vulnerabilities. This is a real school of life. In these areas you are constantly affected by others. You will learn what to do about it.

Channels. Your basic skills and social adaptation methods. You should find out more about them and learn how to use them correctly.

Gates dormant (located in an undefined center). These are your personal characteristics that cannot be emphasized in development. Otherwise, it will be just a waste of effort and time.

Gates hanging (located in a defined center). These are your characteristics that help implement your channels and do it in a unique way.

A few photos from the document:

The volume of information is 100 pages.

All texts are written in an accessible way. We tell everything with examples and give many examples and recommendations.

This is a real manual for life.

Ideal for beginners.

You won’t find texts of similar quality on the internet.

Price today

Instead of 35, it’s only 19 $

The document is done 1-2 hours after payment. It can be translated into any language in the world.

We will refund your money if you are not satisfied with our products.

Additional information

You will be able to buy this additional information after purchasing the main part
  • Lines to the Gate. You have read our exclusive information about your sleeping and hanging gates. Now you have access to information about the line to each gate. Gates exhibit different behaviors depending on their line. This is also exclusive information and you will not find a detailed deciphering of each of your lines on the internet.
  • An advanced transcript of your profile. This information does not exist on the internet. In-depth study by role (patterns of behavior). How you act correctly and how you don’t.
  1. Collective leadership qualities;
  2. learning information and remembering the past;
  3. creative/creative patterns;
  4. individual behavior;
  5. qualities of sexuality;
  6. patterns of care and safety in relationships.
  • Incarnation Cross. This is a small block of information about your primary purpose.
  • Incarnational Quarter. This section will tell you about the vector in which you best accumulate your energy. There are four options:
  1. relationships with people
  2. design/create something
  3. to change constantly, bringing mutation into life (your own and others’)
  4. to rely on observation and knowledge.
  • Inborn fears. Not all of your fears are known to you! In this section you will learn about all of them. You think you have to fight fears!? That’s not true. You need to learn how to adapt to them properly and use them. In the new section it is written in detail about it.
  • Melancholy. What to do in periods when you do not want anything, when as if there is a period of “burnout”!? Melancholy has different manifestations and when it comes, you can form a wrong attitude to the world around you and everything that fills this world. Your task is to learn to recognize these moments of melancholy and to perceive them correctly. The new sections provide the necessary guidance and advice.
  • Gates of Love. This is about what you have a natural love for. What you really like and where you should invest your energies for development. The information will help you figure out what you will be easiest at and what you will be genuinely interested in. Isn’t that what everyone wants to know!
  • Harmonic Gates. These are the most problematic topics in your life. It is in trying to get these qualities and skills that you have a relentless struggle and rejection of yourself. The mind torments the body and then yourself. Knowing these topics, you will have the opportunity not to waste your energies in vain, but to direct your life in a more productive direction.

PHS consists of four subsections

  • Dietary Mode. Is not about proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Diet in the context of the PHS means a little more than food intakes. It’s the unique way your brain takes in and processes information, and the conditions under which information food intake is maximized;
  • Habitat. An image of the place where you feel best: for example, in a closed room, or in a spacious and open room among people? Your choice determines your inner comfort, and there is no “right” answer. The important thing is to find your place where you don’t have to spend energy “resisting” the environment and feel most productive.
  • Perspective. A lot in our life depends not on what happens, but on how we perceive what is happening, what our perspective is aimed at. And each person has a certain way of perceiving the world – their own perspective. It determines what from the surrounding reality gets your attention in the first place and how to use it.
  • Motivation. What fundamental motives of your personality will be behind any of your actions or behaviors. You can endlessly wonder why you said “no” when you wanted to say “yes,” and it’s not dependent on character or upbringing. The motivation of the mind is an inherent “characteristic” that will always play out in your life.

Advantages of PDF report


Amount of information

The pdf report contains a transcript of all elements of your map.

To decipher this amount of information you would need to pay for 4-5 hour consultations with an analyst


Depth of information

The analyst will only tell you the basic gist of a particular element in your chart, rarely going into detail.

Otherwise, he or she will not be able to tell you even basic information about your Design in the allotted time.


Human Factor

Deciphering your Bodygraph a person will tell you what they find important at their discretion.

It’s good if it coincides with your objectives. But what if you get information that is not very valuable to you for the money you spend?

In the pdf report you will read your map in full. We have deciphered each of its elements from all sides. The result is guaranteed!


Material assimilation

Information is easier to listen to at a counseling session than to read. But everyone knows that any information is better absorbed only by reading. Especially when it can be printed.

Our pdf reports are even bought as a gift.

What is better than a consultation or a pdf report

  • While a pdf report has a lot of distinct advantages a consultation has two advantages.
  • The analyst will be able to answer your additional questions in the consultation, whereas the pdf report will not.
  • The analyst can summarize and draw small conclusions from the decoded elements in the chart. The pdf report decodes each element separately. You need to make general conclusions on your own.
  • Conclusions.
  • A consultation with a preliminary study of the pdf report of your map will give you the maximum benefit from the Human Design system.
  • The pdf report without consultation will give you maximum information about your design, your talents and vulnerabilities, but you will need to draw some conclusions on your own.

How the Human Design system works

You should know that.

In 1998, it was proven that tiny neutrino particles are born on stars with very little mass. They pass through planets and people every second with enormous intensity.

The effects of neutrinos on humans have not yet been confirmed by official science. However, in 2015, scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics for conducting experiments that proved that neutrinos do change the state of the element through which they pass. This discovery fundamentally changed the way scientists think about matter, and perhaps in the future they will be able to prove the effects of neutrinos on humans.

In the revelation that the author of the Human Design system received, it was stated that all planets through which neutrinos pass are natural filters for them, and give them their informational imprint, thus programming us (humans). And this programming we can translate into human behavior and potential with the Bodygraph.

Each human genome contains about 30,000 genes. Genes carry instructions for the synthesis of amino acids into the proteins from which cells are built. Each individual cell in our body contains a complete genome map, but depending on what kind of cell the cell is, only certain genes will be highlighted. The cell epithelium of the heart muscle, for example, contains information about all the cells of the body, but only that which contributes to the heart’s tasks, namely blood supply, is activated in it.

The design of Man follows the same logic. Each person carries the same genetic matrix, but only certain parts of it are activated. You can see the activation data and understand what is genetically expressed in a person and what is not, on the Bodygraph – your personal map

In esoteric traditions, the chakras are understood to be the energy centers that distribute energy through the human body. From the revelation that the author of the Human Design system received, it was said that the number of centers reflects the evolutionary movement of mankind. Neanderthals many years ago possessed a five-center structure similar to that of modern mammals. Since 1781, the first nine-centered beings have appeared, for whom the seven chakras of Hinduism are a thing of the past.

Astronomy and Astrology. As in astrology, the individual chart (Bodygraph) is obtained on the basis of the exact date, time and place of birth, using astronomical data. However, Human Design does not use the concept of “houses” and zodiac signs as astrology. It uses a more precise scheme consisting not of 12, but of 64 basic elements. In addition, two dates are used to create the Bodygraph. The second date is determined by the system itself.

The I Ching and DNA. The basic 64 elements in the map were taken from the ancient Chinese Book of Changes I Ching. It was said in the revelation that hexagrams from the I Ching must be used to understand a person’s individual potential. Some time after the revelation this information could be checked and verified.

Our genetic code consists of four nucleotide bases, which are organized into groups of three. Each of these chemical groups corresponds to one amino acid and forms what is called a “codon.

Similarly, in the I Ching there are four basic combinations of Yin and Yang, which are also organized into groups of three, known as “trigrams. And just as the two chains of our DNA complement each other, each trigram of the I Ching has a trigram partner. Together these two symbols form a “hexagram”, the basis of the I Ching.

There are 64 DNA codons in our genetic code, 64 hexagrams are described in the I Ching, and there are 64 Gates in the Bodygraph.

None of these systems individually gives a person specific guidance on how to express himself, how to interact with this world and how to make decisions correctly. But Human Design is a synthesis. It brings together ancient knowledge and modern science to make something more. So only Human Design can offer you everything you need.


On our website you can calculate your chart and get an initial understanding of your design. The next step in learning is a personal reading by a Human Design System Analyst. We also recommend that you take the course: Living Your Design. Make your choice.

Get chart

To start with, just create your personal map and get a short transcript of it. This will help you a lot in the first stage. Enter your birth details.

System analysts

Click the button below to see all current Human Design professionals. Go to the page for each of them and you will see detailed information about them.

More info

For more information about the human design system, such as books, articles, training and more, visit the official website.