The Role Gates

If you have been interested in the topic of Profile, you have found only a general description on the Internet with a breakdown of its two behavioral lines that make up your Profile (e.g. 1/3 or 6/2). In reality, the profile of any person consists not of two habitual lines, but of a set of qualities that are embedded in the six Role Gates. And it should be noted that it does not matter whether they are actually defined in the map or not.

The Role Gates are what your profile is made up of. The six basic roles on which our way of being depends. Role gates are related to the style of our behavior. These gates determine the impression we make on other people and our perception of the other person. They also determine our creative, leadership, sexual and other aspirations, and set the strategy for safe living.

You can get a detailed deciphering of these qualities in our fee-based productions.

In this article, we will briefly review the types of Role Gates and note their characteristics.

10th Gate – Behavioral Self.

This is the gate that relates to our behavior and describes its nature.

When we show ourselves correctly, we are “recognized” and accepted by the right people. Trying to change our behavior to please society always ends in failure because we cannot pretend to be someone else for a long period of time. For example, if a person has a 3 in their profile, they will always act like a Martyr, getting into various ridiculous situations and discovering what doesn’t work in this world. Further, by trying not to be themselves, not to live through mistakes so as not to feel guilty all the time, such a person begins to feel that life is boring and meaningless.

Understanding the nature of behavior allows us to be honest with ourselves – and thus feel love for our real selves.

Gate 7 – Roles of the Self.

This is our leadership role and the impression we make on people.

The 7th gate shows how we show up in leadership roles and how we perceive the leadership of others. When we see a person’s profile through the lens of the 7th role gate, we can tell with certainty how they will show up in a leadership role. For example, if you have the 3rd line in your profile, your leadership role is Anarchist. This means that the denial of any power, any leadership roles, lives in you, as you often find that management models don’t work. You are someone who is able to voice the need for a change in attitudes or even power.

Understanding our leadership role allows us to not assume patterns of behavior in the team that are absolutely not working for us. That is, don’t pretend to be a Democrat if your leadership is manifested through Anarchy.

Gate 13 – Listener.

In this behavioral role we see how one person opens up to another, how willing they are to listen to those with whom life confronts them.

How attentive and empathic we are. By examining our 13th Role Gate, we can understand exactly how another person listens to us, what information they take in first. Seeing the 3rd line in the profile, for example, we can tell that this person is a Pessimist. And no, he is not crying all the time in our vest and whining about his life. But this is a person who is more ready for troubles than others, because you remember that the 3rd line is Martyr by nature.

Thus, a person with a 3-line profile is primarily interested not in the beautiful views of the country where you have been on vacation, but in what you did not like, what was lacking there and what troubles happened to you. Why? To be prepared for anything in the future! And of course, that person who will try to sober you up and be the first to tell you that your new venture won’t work. After all, he has tried so many things in life that it is difficult to surprise him, he is always ready for a catch. That’s his Pessimism.

As you can see, for studying yourself and other people, deciphering the role gates is quite interesting.

The 1st gate is Creativity.

This is a person’s creative expression, his creative aspirations. Each of us is creative, but creativity manifests itself in different ways. By deciphering the profile through the prism of the role gates, we can say what a particular person’s creativity is.

Let’s go back to the example with the 3 line in the profile. Here creativity is manifested through endurance in any process in which the person finds himself.

Creativity is manifested when a person has strength, falls, rises again and tries again until there is a discovery that will work correctly and bring material success.

Understanding exactly what your creative process is, as it is expressed, allows you to emphasize exactly what your strengths are, rather than repeating after others.

The 59th gate is Sexuality.

This is our role in relationships. The way we enter and exit relationships.

By looking at the Role Gate of the profile, we can tell how a person will enter a relationship, what tactics he will choose to woo the object of his interest, what will be a priority for him. We can also tell what his overall sexual strategy is.

If there is a 3rd line in the profile, we can say about the person that he is open to interaction. Sometimes so much so that he can become promiscuous. Here lies the desire for diversity and quick establishment of connections. In a person with a 3 line profile you can find a variety of friends, buddies, partners. Relationships easily arise, but just as easily can be broken. The important thing is to do this correctly, with Strategy and Authority.
Understanding these gates allows us to enter and exit relationships correctly. Without guilt or shame.

The 27th gate is the Caring Gate.

This is how we care for others and how we accept caring for ourselves.

Each of us encounters care from others, and we ourselves can also take care of our loved ones in our own way. Understanding how we show ourselves to care allows us to accept ourselves and others without demanding the impossible or resenting our partner, child or parent.

Let’s go back to our example with the 3 line in the profile. Such a person in caring makes many mistakes until he or she discovers the way that suits the situation. Besides, people with a 3 in their profile are very frugal, and if you see that a person with a 3 in his profile makes stashes or pockets bills or candy, then this is how he takes care of himself and you. With a 3 in the profile, a person will expect to be taken care of by giving them more resources. For example, by feeding him and putting something tasty with him. After all, that is exactly what he would do himself. This is done just in case. And as you remember, line 3 knows better than anyone that such an occasion is not far off.

Thus, you see, that understanding of themes of role gates reveals before us more complete image of the person and his role behavior in different life situations. And there is nothing personal, because there is no choice and a person behaves as it is embedded in his map. Accepting ourselves we accept the other person and this is the basis of harmonious relationships.

Here is another important point. Let’s remind that in each profile there are two behavioral lines (for example 6/2). They also appear in the role gate. For correct deciphering of the profile and its role gates it is important to take into account the correct sequence of interaction of these lines. First the subconscious line manifests itself, and then the conscious line. Strangely, on the internet we have not seen text writers take into account this mechanics taught by Ra (creator of Human Design).

In our paid products, the role gate transcripts are written with this feature in mind.

You will know everything about your Profile and its proper application.